Oral hygiene

Consulta de Higiene Oral

Oral hygiene consultation

The Oral Hygiene consultation is aimed at the prevention of all oral diseases and is crucial for maintaining treatments performed in other dental specialties, such as orthodontics, implantology, restorative dentistry, and fixed prosthetics. By suggesting and demonstrating specific techniques, the dentist/hygienist creates the conditions for the patient to improve their oral hygiene habits (correct brushing, use of dental floss, use of mouthwashes/specific pastes).

During this consultation, a diagnosis is made to screen for cavities, gum diseases, and other issues that may exist in the teeth and mouth. Tartar and plaque are also removed through scaling. Depending on the patient, the Oral Hygienist may apply fluoride and products for tooth sensitivity.

The Oral Hygienist is a professional in the diagnostic and therapeutic field who provides preventive and therapeutic healthcare for the oral health of individuals, families, and communities, taking into account their bio-psycho-social context.

The high prevalence of oral diseases, particularly dental cavities and periodontal disease, necessitates an increasing awareness that these diseases can be prevented, mainly through the implementation of preventive strategies and education. Therefore, the greater emphasis on oral hygiene consultations aims to promote oral health across the community.

The main objective of this consultation is to promote health and prevent oral diseases, as well as to maintain treatments performed in other areas of dentistry, such as implantology, orthodontics, fixed prosthetics, restorative dentistry, etc.

Importance of Scaling (Destartarization)

Scaling (teeth cleaning) involves the removal of plaque and tartar from the teeth. If not removed, these can lead to cavities, gingivitis, periodontitis, bad breath, tooth sensitivity, among others. During this consultation, education and promotion of good oral hygiene habits are also provided, along with screening for cavities, periodontal disease, and oral lesions.

A scaling session lasts approximately 30 to 45 minutes, which may vary depending on individual sensitivity and needs, and includes an oral health check, such as screening for periodontal diseases (gums and surrounding tissues) and cavities.

Utilização do fio dentário

Care and Prevention for a Healthy Smile

Maintaining a healthy smile requires proper care and prevention. It is essential to perform regular oral hygiene, ideally every 6 months, to remove tartar and plaque. These regular consultations help prevent gum diseases and cavities.

After the oral hygiene session, it is important to follow some care instructions. It is recommended to avoid eating or drinking for at least 1 hour. Typically, after the consultation, a gel with a high concentration of fluoride is applied to remineralize the teeth and reduce sensitivity. By following these recommendations, it is possible to maintain a healthy smile and prevent future oral problems!

Frequently Asked Questions

It does not cause any damage.

Tartar removal is performed using a device that works by vibration, which is harmless to the tooth enamel and adjacent soft tissues.

Teeth may become more sensitive because tartar is removed, but this is a temporary situation.

Oral hygiene in orthodontics is extremely important as it not only affects oral health but also the success of the treatment itself.

Tooth movement occurs through bone resorption and deposition. For the tooth to move correctly, its supporting tissues (gums, bone, ligament) must be healthy.

When there is gum inflammation due to the accumulation of plaque bacteria, the body’s response is less efficient.

As a result, we may face:

  • Cavities, with or without nerve involvement, leading to future crowns or tooth loss;
  • Unwanted or slower tooth movement;
  • Bone loss;
  • Tooth loss in more severe cases.

The accumulation of plaque bacteria on implants affects the surrounding soft tissues, which can lead to the development of peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis (an infectious process of the tissues surrounding the implant, causing the loss of supporting bone).

This situation can lead to the loss of the implants.

For dental implants to remain stable, regular oral hygiene and frequent dental check-ups are necessary.

Professionals in the field

Do you want a confident smile?

Schedule your dental appointment with us and achieve a healthy, radiant smile.